Privacy Policy

1. Declaration of personal information protection

In offering members secure, safe and reliable services, Nomad(the “Shop”) has adopted a policy regarding handling of members’ personal information (“Personal Information”) and will strive for protecting Personal Information appropriately.

2. Personal Information protection policy

(1) The Shop observes the Personal Information Protection Act of Japan, rules on privacy in communications stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Law, and other relevant laws and regulations.
(2) The Shop observes Guidelines Regarding the Protection of Personal Information in the Telecommunications Business.
(3) The Shop shall appropriately manage Personal Information handled.
(4) All employed by the Shop shall protect every kind of Personal Information about members, etc., and fulfill their expectations.
(5) The Shop shall take necessary and appropriate safety control measures in order to prevent the risk of unauthorized access to information, as well as the loss, falsification and leakage of information, and shall strive for improvement of such measures.

3. Handling of Personal Information

(1) Specifying of purpose of use
Personal Information such as name, address, phone number(s) the Shop obtains from members is used for the following purposes: Rendering of the Shop’s services; verification of member identity; billing; customer service; notification of change, suspension or discontinuation of the Shop’s services, etc.; notification of other services the Shop offers; informing members of various upcoming events and campaigns.
(2) Disclosure of Personal Information
Upon verification of member identity, the Shop shall swiftly accommodate requests from members for disclosure or correction, etc., of Personal Information about them.
(3) Use and disclosure of Personal Information
The Shop obtains members' Personal Information to the extent necessary to render services, uses and discloses such information within the scope of the stated purpose of use.
(4) Disclosure to third parties
The Shop uses Personal Information within the scope of the stated purpose of use and manages it appropriately. The Shop shall never disclose or give Personal Information to third parties without informing to whom the information belongs of the purpose of use and obtaining consent from the individual to disclosure. However, the Shop may form an exception to the rule if disclosure of information is requested by public agencies such as government and/or police, or in the event the Shop deems such disclosure necessary for the protection of human life, human health or property.

4. Inquiries concerning Personal Information

Members are asked to direct inquiries concerning their Personal Information held by the Shop or the Shop’s handling of such information to the (email address/phone number) below.

Customer Support

Office Hours: 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Wednesday)